楷書を上手に書く方法 Know-how to write beautiful standard style Chinese character
Yesterday I could not write beautiful standard style Chinese character (Kashyo), so I tried more and more and got the know-how of it. It is said that there is adequate shape of Chinese character to be seen beautiful. I think if you have the adequate shape image such as adequate line thickness, length, and magin in your head, you can write beautiflly. For example at first I could not wirte ‘月’ (moon), because my first image was the 1st line should be a stroke going from upper right to lower left with a pointed tail, however I finally thought that it is rather a straight line and only the line end is going to the left a little. Then I could wirte it more beautifully. And second know-how is that it is more easy to move the ink brush if you hold it exactly vertical against the paper to show the adequate image in your head. You will be satisfied when you can write beautifule character!